The Best Case Study

If I asked, which of the following would you hire for their expertise?

  1. A firm that doesn’t use that expertise for themselves. 

  2. A firm that does use that expertise for themselves.

Firm #2 is a no-brainer.

Design agencies. Marketing agencies. Creative agencies. Software agencies. They all offer something that can be applied internally to their own business and promoted to get more clients.

But most of them don’t do it. 

That’s not unusual in professional services. I once read that about half of the 15,000 mutual funds in the United States are run by people who don’t invest any of their own money into those exact funds. 

That doesn’t inspire much confidence. And when it comes to selling your services, inspiring confidence is half the battle. 

Whether you like it or not, your agency is the first case study your clients see.

Do it right and make sure it’s not the only one.  


The Content Equation


Gimmicks v. Strategy