Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Leading With the Problem

It's often overlooked, but you realize how valuable it can be once you spot an agency who knows exactly what is keeping their clients up at night. 

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Standing Out From the Crowd

The guy sitting next to me literally leaned over and said, “this is like an advertisement for better positioning”.

I couldn’t agree more.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The Thing That Makes Agency Marketing Work

There isn’t a silver bullet for marketing your agency.

That’s proven by the fact that there are a lot of successful firms out there who employ different tactics. So, what do the best agencies all have in common?

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Focusing on Your Act

Screw marketing and sales - do great work and clients will come. I can agree with the sentiment there. But I think it overlooks two things.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

How to Navigate Agency Awards

There are quite literally thousands of agency awards that exist simply because agencies do. Each one of them makes their money by charging hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars for the honor of recognizing you.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The Content Equation

There are a few effective and interesting ways to approach it, but for the analytically minded folks, here’s a potential equation for better agency thought leadership.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The Best Case Study

Whether you like it or not, your agency is the first case study your clients see. Do it right and make sure it’s not the only one.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Gimmicks v. Strategy

What are the differences, categorically, between the marketing that I admire and the marketing I recoil from?

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The Beauty & The Beast

As surprising as it may be, many firms want to position themselves around service offerings that are far more attractive to their practitioners than their clients.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Reducing the Cost of Sale

Published content offers dual benefits. The first is to attract new clients . The second is to use thought leadership to reduce the cost of sale in competitive or procurement driven situations. 

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Six Million Outbound Emails

Around the 15th of every month I would get a lead generation report.

Around the 16th of every month I would sit dumbfounded as I read it.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Content Creation Isn’t Enough

Rather than generating a compelling perspective and figuring out how to say it in an interesting way, we flood the internet with listicles and blogs that regurgitate the same stuff we all already know. 

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The Three Reasons Why You Get Hired

Everyone wants to know why they get hired.

After you get the good news from a potential client that they want to move forward, that’s usually the next question you hear, “did they tell you why they went with us?”.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Be a Big Fish

Our continued refusal to focus on our strengths comes down to two things:

Capability and Commitment.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The $250,000 Mistake

The job of the agency marketing team is to amplify the work and thinking being done by their billable teammates.

That’s it.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

Saying No

Half my brain was already doing mental calculations on commission and payout structure.

The other half of my brain knew we would never win the deal.

I sent off the proposal.

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Ethan Drigotas Ethan Drigotas

The Magic Message

How you tell your agency’s story matters.

It has to be quick. It has to be relevant. And for god’s sake, it has to be different. 

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